Close up of a mossy tree with a fern growing up it.

Call for nominations for Waste Advisory Board members

The Minister for the Environment is seeking nominations for Waste Advisory Board members. The Minister is also seeking a Chair of the Waste Advisory Board.

Call for nominations for Waste Advisory Board members

The Minister for the Environment is seeking nominations for Waste Advisory Board members. The Minister is also seeking a Chair of the Waste Advisory Board.

The Waste Advisory Board provides independent advice to the Minister for the Environment on matters relating to the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 and waste minimisation.

In appointing members, the Minister must consider the need for the board to have collective knowledge, skills and experience relating to:

  • the Act
  • matters likely to come before the board
  • community projects for waste minimisation
  • industry, including the commercial waste industry
  • tikanga Māori.

Board members should collectively possess these skills and knowledge but note that no single prospective candidate is expected to possess all of these skills and knowledge.

The board meets four or five times per year for either a full day or half day. This involves some online and some in-person meetings. Board members will also need time to prepare for the meetings and to prepare advice for the Minister.

Members’ remuneration is determined by the Cabinets Fees Framework for members appointed to bodies in which the Crown has an interest. Waste Advisory Board members are currently paid $535 per day before tax, with the Chair being paid $840 per day before tax. Actual and reasonable expenses incurred (such as travel) are also reimbursed.

Make a nomination

Nominations should include a cover letter and the curriculum vitae (CV). Please indicate if your nomination is for the Chair position.

CVs should include all information outlined in the Cabinet Appointments and Honours Committee CV template (CAB 50).

Email your nomination to by 5pm on Friday 31 May 2024.

The selection process

The Ministry provides all nominations, a suggested short-list and recommendations to the Minister for consideration. Interviews may also take place. After consulting the Minister for Māori Development, the Minister makes her recommendation to the Appointments and Honours Committee of Cabinet. Cabinet makes the final appointment decisions.

Appointments to the board will be notified in the New Zealand Gazette and on the Ministry for the Environment website. All nominees and those who nominated them are informed of the outcome in writing.

Contact us

For further information: 

Phone: (04) 439 7400


Visit: Waste Advisory Board